Thursday, 24 February 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Big Question.
Are Carbs bad for us?
NO! Well not all Carbs.
We need carbohydrates in our diet, especially if we are going to train, but we need to know what the right carbohydrates are.
Let’s cancel out all white and processed carbohydrates right now! These don't do us any favours nutritionally apart from fill a whole when we are hungry.
When we eat these ’Bad Carbs' it causes our blood sugar levels to spike drastically and in time crash just as quick making us hungry, tired and irritable and on the hunt for more of the same rush.
'Good Carbs' however are full of Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals and do not cause our blood levels to rise so quickly and will give us a even flow of energy throughout the day.
Although you may feel full briefly after eating White Bread or Pasta, soon your body will use up the sugars and simple carbohydrates, resulting in more hunger. As your blood sugar level falls lower than where they were before, it creates hunger pangs. It's a bad cycle!
Start to introduce these changes.

White Rice to Brown Rice
White Bread to Whole Grain (with seeds)
White Pasta to Whole Wheat or Spelt Pasta

your Personal Trainer,

Brian Talbot.

 For more information and 1 Hour Nutrition Consultancy Visit M Wellness Ibiza

(+34) 971 33 88 40

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