Friday, 11 February 2011

TRX Suspension Trainer

Randy Hetrick, inventor of this revolutional piece of fitness equipment has certainly change the way a lot of Personal Trainers conduct thier sessions.
During missions as a former US Navy Seal, Hetrick designed a way to train using parachute chords attached to tank turrets and performed exercises using his own body weight, keeping himself and his men fit and strong with Flys, Suspended Push-ups, Presses and Curls.
After leaving the Seals Hetrick bought a sewing machine and designed a prototype to become the TRX launched in 2005 some years after he had retired.
His empire is slowly growing now all over the USA and you will find Personal Trainers, Fitness Fanatics, Army Personel and even Rehabilitation centres using his equipment.

Here @ M Wellness I train my Clients on a 1-1 basis with the TRX. Some train for strength and conditioning, others to align spinal problems, with others using the TRX simply for flexibility and movement.
There are 100's of ways to use the TRX without having to wait for a piece of equipment in the gym, or changing weights after each set.

Come Down to M Wellness for a Session with me and see for yourself how diverse the TRX actually is!!
+34 971 33 88 40

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