Thursday, 17 March 2011

What keeps you pushing on

   5 tracks that keep me pushing on!!






1. London Electricity "Bare Religion" (SUBWAVE RMX)
2. Netsky "The Magig Russian Bottle"
3. Seether "Burrito"
4. Nirvana "Aneurysm"
5. Alter Bridge "One Day Remains"

All of the above really get me through the last few reps, final few rounds on the bag and last few minuets of a run!
What's yours??
+34 971 33 88 40

Friday, 11 March 2011

Break Your Fast With Breakfast

Many people don't realise that Breakfast is actually Break Fast, meaning after you have had your 8 hours sleep (Fast) you need to Break it.
Breakfast is vital and I cannot stress enough the importance of a good, fulfilling and healthy breakfast. If you try and drive your car to work without any gas in the tank you wont get very far and this is the same way we should look at the Human Body. Fuel the system with the correct food and your going to be on the move all day.
So what to eat for Breakfast?
We need a substantial first 'meal', high in Carbohydrates and Proteins and natural fats with the added boost of Vitamins and Minerals and keep it low in sugar.
It also needs to be quick and easy.
A staple food of our M Wellness Team is as follows:

Porridge, with Banana, Apple, Yogurt and Honey

Heat 150grms of Organic Oatmeal with 100ml of Low fat Milk/Soya Milk until soft, add 1 chopped Banana a spoonful of natural yogurt and a spoonful of active manuka honey to taste. Pour into a bowl and top with slices of fresh apple, a spoonful more of yogurt and a drizzle of honey. Add Some cinnamon in replace of honey for a more natural sweet taste. 1/2 a spoonfull of cinnamon a day can lower LDL Cholesterol.

M Wellness Juice Bar is also the perfect example of Breakfast on the go. The 'Liquid Breakfast' is another way to get the right foods into our body to face the day.
We have some fantastic juices here and some even better smoothies! Why not try our 'Big Breakfast', 'Smooth and Soothe' or our WAKE ME UP! 'Lemon Zinger'

+34 971 33 88 40

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Beach Fit in 8 Weeks!!

Many people dream of having a beach body and keep it as a dream and don't do anything about it.
It takes a lot of hard work and effort but you have to put this in to get results. It doesn't happen overnight and it certainly doesn't happen thinking about it!
I have designed a 8 Week Beach Body Fit program working with TRX Supension Trainer, Power Plate Machine, Kick Box and Boxing, Strength and Conditioning Circuits and Body Toning Weight Workouts to get you into shape, fit, healthy and above all Beach Ready!
Seeing as we are in the cold month of March now it's about time to do something about it before the sun comes out and it's too late!!
After a body composition you will recieve a FREE! custom designed weekly food plan for you to follow for the 8 weeks included with recipes and cooking tips. Having previously worked in the kitchens of Gordon Ramsay with Angela Hartnett and also with Henry Harris for a number of years, I have an extensive background in preparing healthy nutritious meals that taste great and help you get through your training program getting you the right results in no time! Training will be 4 days a week with 1 days rest in between and it will be hard work, but fun!
Phone consultations and updated emails are avaliable daily through a blog page that is designed only for you to see to help you through and to motivate you along the way ready for your Summer in Ibiza.

You will learn ways to keep yourself fuelled throughout the day, how to control your blood sugar levels and effective ways to keep yourself slim, toned, sexy and full of natural energy!!

Come in to M Wellness Ibiza or call me on +34 971 33 88 40 (639-913-833) and have your free body Composition.

Your Personal Trainer Brian Talbot

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

11 Ways to Ease a Hangover

Water. A must. Alcohol is a diurectic and can cause dehydration and seeing as you have been in and out of the toilet all night your going to need to get it back in your system.
Drink 1 pint of water before bed.
Sport Drinks. Even though the diuretic effect of alcohol may cause the body to lose some electrolytes, it's not so much that you need to replace them right away," says Samir Zakhari, Ph.D., (director of the Division of Metabolism and Health Effects at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) but get some here at  M Wellness Ibiza for when your in need.
We sell a non-toxic sports drink called "Sustain". Get yours on the way in or out of the gym, depending on the way you feel.
Coffee. This is a preferrence as caffine can cause and treat headaches. It will also slighly dehydrate you once again so drink water. This is still no excuse for Starbucks!
"Hair of the Dog" Forget it. Bad idea.This will provide a numbing effect, but all you're doing is prolonging the inevitable, and it will more than likely cause a bigger headache. This cure is one step on the way to becoming alcohol dependant.
Toast (and I don't mean with Champagne) Carbs will bring your sugar levels back up slowly.
Normally when blood sugar levels dip, your liver reacts by producing more glucose from stored carbs. But if you've been drinking too much, your liver is busy metabolizing the alcohol and can't handle the extra work, so your blood sugar levels stay down, and you can feel irritable and tired.
Greasy Food. What you eat after drinking doesn't matter—it's what you eat before all those Vodka Shots and Whisky and Cokes that can help lessen the pain the next day. Food helps slow the absorption of alcohol but this doesn't mean you can drink more
Medication. "While it's OK for a headache, when combined with a liver that's working overtime to metabolize alcohol, it can cause liver damage or be deadly," says Dena Davidson, Ph.D., former associate professor of Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine. Take 1-2 maximum and take them with lots of water
Mutivits. It's not going to help cure your pain but they certainly will help you get over it quicker
Workout/Exercise. The whole "sweat it out" theory is myth but at the same time, the endorphin release could boost your mood and help you get through the day with a smile. Burning off a few calories may ease your guilt about how much you drank. Just be sure you keep your water bottle handy so you don't become even more dehydrated.
Sex. It wont cure your hangover but it certainly will put a smile on your face
Drink Responsibly. Grow up! Your not 16 anymore, calm down with the shots! Limit your drink to around 1 every hour. Your body will metabolise alcohol in arounf 60-75 Min's so give it a chance. Don't forget to drink water in between drinks and eat a subtancial meal before you start drinking.

Here @ M Wellness we have some amazing "Hangover Cure" Juices and Smoothies to replenish lost nutrients during your night out.
Come down and try one out!
+34 971 33 88 40

NIke or Addidas?

Correct footwear is vital, do not attempt to run, play sport or exercise without the right sport shoes.
It is essential that the footwear be appropriate for the activity that is planned. Although it seems obvious to most, there are always people that I see that are wearing the wrong shoes. For example, it would be incorrect to wear a basketball trainer for a 10K run. The biomechanics of each of these events are different, and therefore have different needs from the shoe gear. Although the high side of a basketball boot support your ankles they are designed for the constant twist and turns on the court.
Runners have to really research their choice of shoe and make sure they try on several pair before selection.
Your shoe choice can change depending on where your running and for how long. A sprinter wouldn't choose a heavier off road endurance shoe to perform a 100m sprint.
Heel pain, arch pain, outside (lateral) knee pain and shin splints can cause serious discomfort and stop many atheletes competing through bad choice.

Running Shoes need to be comfortable, light with support and made of good material.
According to The New York Podiatry All sports shoes should be properly fitted to the width of your foot. The upper portion of your shoe should be made of leather or canvas. Soles should be flexible at the ball of your foot and provide cushioning and arch support. There should be enough room in your athletic shoes so that you can wiggle your toes.
If you are unsure of the fit of your shoes, visit a sporting goods store or store that specializes in your specific sport. You also can also take your athletic shoes to a podiatric specialist for recommendations for appropriate footwear for your sport. Keep in mind that you should never have to "break-in" new athletic shoes. They should be comfortable from the second you buy them.

Brand names such as Nike, Addidas and Asics are highly recommended. Buying these famous names guarantee you quality but it's down to you to make sure you test each one out and really ask questions to the shop workers to know more information.

Muhammed Ali's Boxing Boots

Boxing, Basketball and Tennis require high support due to the nature of the movements required. Boxing and Basketball are sports that need quick rapid twist and turn movements over short periods of time.
With the high support there is less chance of the athelete turning over on the ankle. These boots are normally lightweight to allow flowing movement.
Tennis is another shoe that need to be high on the sides but seem a little sturdier in weight but this also depends on the court that it's played on.

For those of you with smelly feet there is a way to combat those embarressing times in the changing room.

Wearing the right kind of running socks can help keep your shoes from getting and staying wet. It's important to wear non-cotton, synthetic running socks because they'll wick away the moisture, rather than staying wet (which is what happens with cotton socks).

Store your shoes in a cool, dry place and remove the sole insert, to prevent bacteria from growing. Rotate 2 pairs of shoes so you can give one pair a chance to dry out when you're not wearing them.

Sprinkle some baking soda or a dryer sheet in your running shoes after a run. Either item will help mask odor and absorb remaining moisture.
There are various sprays and deodarant for your shoes, and make sure you keep a seperate bag for your shoes rather than in your gym bag, otherwise your clothes on the way to the gym will smell like your feet do, not good news

Here are a top 3 list of Running Shoes of 2010
+34 971 33 88 40

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Healthy Life This Way

The World is full of harmful toxins, which can leave the body feeling run down, sluggish and slow to function.
Toxins can be found in medication, salt, sugar, processed food, caffeine, alcohol, cleaning products, fizzy drinks, food additives, air travel, beauty cosmetics, air pollution, heaters/air conditioning, smoke, stress, sleepless nights the list goes on! Its the Livers job to flush these toxins through the body quickly. Unfortunately simply protecting our bodies from these toxins can keep us over weight and here is how.
As build up occurs in the body, the Liver can struggle to flush toxins away quickly enough, so tucks them away in the safest place possible  your fat! All the time fat has a job to do, your body will hang on to it extra tight - making weight loss an even bigger challenge!
An average person on an average day will ingest around 1,000 different toxins - far too many for our bodies to keep up with! By flushing out the large quantities of toxins that have accumulated over the years, and continuing to cleanse your system, your body will begin to lose weight quickly and easily. Once your body is ticking nicely, your metabolism will speed up, your body will no longer need to cling to your fat, digestion will become easier and your ideal weight will be both within reach and sustainable.

Here at M Wellness we run a 7 Juice Detox made in house everyday.
Come in and speak to any memeber of staff more a more detailed insight into the program.
+34 971 33 88 40

Fire Up Your Metabolism!

Fire Up Your Metabolism With These Foods

Oats and Whole Grain Cereals.
Complex Carboydrates and fibre keep your insulin levels low after you eat as they don't cause a spike in your blood sugar. As the body produces insulin it also starts to store fat which in order to store fat it has to slow down metabolism. Not good news. Oats are great for your metabolism as they break down in the stomach and don't cause a a heavy insulin spike like a sugared coated cereal or bagel.

Chilis, Cayenne and Jalapenos
Capsaican is the chemical in peppers thats give it the bite and this speeds up your heart rate.
Studies have shown from way back in the 80's that eating just 1 Chili can boost your metabolism by 25% and it will keep going for 3 hours!!
Stick one in all off your meals and keep on burning!!

Coffee and Green Teas
Caffine speeds up your heart rate. The faster it beats the more calories you burn. Green Tea has a chemical called EGCG which rather than speeding up your heart it it revs up your brain and nervous system which again helps you burn those calories.
Take a shot of Coffee without milk or a Green Tea 20 Min's before your workout and reap the benefit, just don't get a Mocha Latte from Starbucks!!!

Lean Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey etc..;.
Protein is massively important.
It takes a lot of energy to digest protein than it does carbohydrates or fat which makes it simple. The more you eat the more calories you will burn.
Research found out that men who substituted protein for 20 percent of the carbs in their diets were able to boost their metabolisms, increasing the number of calories they burned each day by up to 5 percent

Salmon, Tuna and Sardines
These guys are full of Omega 3 Fats. This alters the levels of a hormone called leptin in your body. Leptin directly influences your metabolism, determining whether you burn calories or store them as fat.
Fish Oil supplements work just a well
French researchers found that men who replaced 6 grams of fat in their diets with 6 grams of fish oil were able to boost their metabolisms and lose an average of 2 pounds in just 12 weeks

Little and Often
Eating little and often will stop any hunger pains you will get throughout day. This will also keep your blood sugar level stoping any periods of tiredness where you might reach for something sweet to give you that rush of energy.
Making sure you eat the right snacks is important. 1 apple with a small handfull of raw almonds is a perfect balance of Carbohydrates, Proteins and healthy fats

For more information on weightloss, detox or getting lean, fit and healthy visit:
+34 971 33 88 40

Monday, 7 March 2011


Click Here To Watch Motivation

I am sure that this is motivational for a number of people, Men and Woman but what about the rest? What can you do to get motivated?

Firstly, GO TO THE GYM!
What I mean by this is go along, during off peak time and have a look around. The staff at M Wellness Ibiza  are polite, friendly and knowledgeable and are there to help.

You may feel that during the busy periods that the gym is too loud, full of people and not your idea of fun and that is understandable, but in off peak it's quite, realaxing and is the right time for you to get into your new routine.

The first part of the "New You" is over. If you can make it to the gym then you are one step closer to feeling good about yourself!

Once you get settled into your new gym schedule you might start to feel better but you will want to see results, it's here that people give up and think "I will never get thin" and go right back to their "normal" lives again.

You have to stay motivated. You have got this far so don't give up!

There are many ways of doing this.
Firstly write everything down that passes through your lips. Keep this "food diary" for a week and then bring it into the Gym for us to have a look at it.
We will then anaylize what you eat and take a body compositon to find out how many calories you should be eating in that day and then make adjustments.

Take photos of your Main meals. With this we can see where you are going wrong. Just because it's only a salad doesn't mean you can eat a massive bowl of it.

Keep a workout log that lets you see your results of weights lifted and then where you need to change a routine to confuse the muscle into working just that little bit more.

Weight yourself every other day. Here at M Wellness Ibiza we have a state of the art Tanita machine that can read everything. Muscle, Fat and Water compositions in Kg and %.
Keep looking in the Mirror and picturing where you want to be in, lets say 2 months. Then write a post it note and stick it on the mirror, every day you see it, it will remind you to keep going.

Reward yourself with a "Cheat Meal" once a week or buy something nice with the money you have saved on Alcohol and Sweet stuff. Buy some new gym clothes (hopefully in a smaller size)

We are here to help you reach your goals and ambitions. Come down and talk to our trainers and have a FREE! body anaylisis and consultation.

10 Personal Training Sessions now with 25% discount only 450€
+34 971 33 88 40

Basic Guide To Body Building (Part 3)

3 Day Split

Ok, so now you will be starting to notice a massive difference in your physique.
If you are controlling your diet and eating the right food before/after and the time inbetween your workouts and on rest days you should be noticing what we call "gains"

We can now move onto a 3 day split.
As you will be working 2 Muscle groups only in each session you will need a days rest, but you will also need to add your Cardio on these days like before.
Now you have built up strength we can go heavier on these sets and bring the reps down a little.
You will be working 3 Sets of 8-10 increasing the weight on every set making sure that the last few reps on the last set are at the point where you really struggle to get the weight up.
With this you will need a workout friend/partner that we call a "spotter".
A Spotters job is too make sure you don't drop any weight on top of you and that you keep your form during the set. Ideally find someone who wants to get the same results as you do in the workout so you can motivate and spot for each other. If not Personal Trainers will no only spot and motivate you but they will give you advice and tips throughout the session for a reasonable price.

Here is the 3 Day Split:

The Ab's workout will be posted soon

Monday (Chest and Triceps. Abs)
Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Dumbell Flys or Cable Cross
Tricep Pulldowns
Skullcrushers (French Press)
Wednesday (Back and Biceps. Abs)
Pull Ups
Bent Over Rows
Dumbbell Shrugs
Bicep Curls
Incline Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls
Friday ( Legs and Shoulder. Abs)
Dumbbell Lunges
Leg Extensions
Hamstring Curls
Calf Raises
Lateral and Front Raises
Seated Miltary Press
Arnold Presses

Stay Locked in For More Info


10 Personal Training sessions working with Weightloss, TRX Suspension Trainer, Power Plate, Kickboxing/Boxing and Body Building/Toning now with 25% Off only 450€
+34 971 33 88 40

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Man Boobs and A Beer Belly?? Cut the Booze!

It's the 2 things that let us down, the 2 things we worry about day in and day out (apart from going bold) and the 2 things we really don't do enough to prevent.
There is nothing better on a hot sunny day to get into the shade, open a cool beer and chill out and we all know it's impossible to go out without drinking to enjoy ourselves, right?

Well your wrong!

If you can crack that first phase off not drinking your onto a winner!
Let me explain it too you bluntly

We call them "Empty Calories" as they are exactly that.
Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from malted cereal grains, hops, and brewed by fermentation. The average beer can range from 140 to 200 calories for every 12 oz (350ml).
Lets put this into perspective. It takes 20 minuets to burn 150 calories on a treadmill running at a moderate pace or you can ride a horse for 52 minuets. You can walk around the shops for 53 minuets, chase your kids around for 33 minuets in the park or you can dance it off at the club you just spent 9€ a drink for in 24 Minuets. 
Remember, this is just 1, your have to think about the possible 7 or 8 you will consume during the night, plus those occasional 207 Calorie Vodka shots and not forgetting that up to 2000 (that's 2000) Calorie Doner Kebab you have to mop it all up with.
I can see the look in your faces! :(
This night has not only cost you money but around 4000 calories.
I can guarantee in my Kickboxing class you will burn around 900-1000 calories, but this is an intense 2 hr session where the pace doesn't slow down fro the get go!!! Wii sports will help you for another 2hrs You can hit the Cross Trainer at FULL SPEED for an hour, there's another 1000, just 2000 more to go.
Shall I continue??

Effects of booze on your body.
Ethanol alcohol is metabolized by enzymes in the liver, with a small amount of the alcohol converted to fat. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the liver can only metabolize so much alcohol at a time, so the remainder of the alcohol is released into the bloodstream, where it replaces fat as a source of energy. Therefore, the body uses energy to metabolize the alcohol instead of fat, it will slow down the metabolism of fat in the body, and increasing risk of fat storage in the body's tissues.

There's more!
When you drink it passes into your stomach, from here 20% is immediately absorbed into your blood stream. The remainder passes into your intestines to be absorbed from there.
When it's in your blood its shoots off to your liver to be broken down where it starts to hinder any fat burning process. Your 2 hour workout is now wasted as much as you are!!
The liver breaks alcohol into various chemicals. One is Acetyl CoA which actually makes the body store fat.
Now imagine if you decide to have a Whisky and Coke, all that sugar starts that blood sugar spike, and again your going to need to get that out of your blood into your liver damn quick. Your poor Liver can cope and starts to store everything it possibly can. Continue like this and your going to need a a serious health check up!

If you want to get lean you have to start choosing the right time to drink what to drink and if you can, NOT AT ALL.
If you have to, drink wine, hard liquor (without a mixer) and light beer and limit your intake to 1-2 days a week with a maximum of 2 drinks per time.

Guys that like beer drink non alcoholic! There is only 10 Calories in every 100ml and it tastes like the real thing! It does actually contain 0.01%
You can drink it from a glass and hide the bottle and act stupid and no-one will know any difference!☆

Are you an alcoholic?
For most adults, moderate alcohol use is not harmful however Alcoholism is a disease with four main features:
  • Craving - a strong need to drink
  • Loss of control - not being able to stop drinking once you've begun
  • Physical dependence – withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating or shakiness after stopping drinking
  • Tolerance - the need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to get “high”

More more information on how to cut out your drink habits and get fit and lean visit
+34 971 33 88 40

Friday, 4 March 2011

Basic Guide To Body Building (Part 2) Chief Editor Kris Gethin after his 12 Week Transformation

              To get a body like Kris you really need to start to up your game.

After a month of your current work out you will need to start changing your routine. Your muscles will adapt to your workouts and weight so you need to trick them.

You will do this by starting a 2 Day Split lasting 3-4 weeks

This will be:
Monday Torso
Tuesday Limb
Wednesday REST
Thursday Limb
Friday Torso
Sat/Sun REST

We up the intesity of your training and with this we can train our muscle groups twice over rather than once.

Bench Press
Incline Chest Flys 
Lat Pulldowns
Back Rows
Hyper Extensions
Shoulder Press
Lateral Shoulder Raises
Dumbbell Shrugs
Abdominal Crunches

Barbell Bicep Curls
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Tricep Pushdowns
Tricep Dips
Dumbbell Lunges
Hamstring Curls
Standing Calf Rasies

We also want to be doing 20 mins of Cardio after each session and on our Rest days to start tapping into our fat stores making us lean.

Its probably about time you start looking at supplements.

Here is a quick run down of the Top 5

Multivitamins are a must! We just don't get enough from fruit and vegetables. We need to keep our immune system strong, multivits will do this for you!
Protein Powders are important for muscle growth. When you have finished your workout you have a 30 Min's window in which to get this into your system. By drinking a shake the body does not need to go through a heavy digestion period as it would with solid food, this then helps the nutrients to get into your blood and into those ripped muscle fibers.
Creatine and Glutamine if you want to get more power in your muscles hit 5g of Creatine and Glutamine before and after your training, these are amongst the 20 amino acids that your body has. Boost them and reap the awards by growing and maintaining your strong muscles
Omega 3 Fats are going to keep your joints supple and boost your brain power, that’s brain not Brian! It's going to do wonders for your heart to. You can find these healthy fats in oily fish such as Salmon and Mackerel but also in capsule form
BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) to give a little back ground, amino acids are the building blocks of protein and muscle growth. When you eat protein you body converts the protein into its basic amino acids so you can absorb and use them. The amino acids you get from protein sources are called Essential Amino Acids (EAA). The reason they are called essential amino acids is because our bodies do not produce them naturally and they must be obtained for outside sources, i.e. complete proteins. There are nine essential amino acids and they are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. On the other hand BCAA only have three amino acids; leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAA's are simpler amino acids that are used to form muscle tissue. BCAA's make up 35% of our muscles and have to be present in the body for muscle growth.

We continue futher moving onto the 3 Day Split, by this time you should be noticing a huge difference.

450€ For 10 Personal Training Body Building Sessions @ M Wellness Ibiza

+34 971 33 88 40

Basic Guide To Body Building (Part 1)

The True Legend of Body Building Arnold Schwarzenegger was awarded the Mr Universe Title at the tender age of 20 Yrs Old and went on to win it 7 more times.

It takes a lot of blood sweat and tears (and tears) to get to his level, but here are the basics.

You want to start out working a 1 day full body split.
This means you work Monday, have a day off, then Wednesday, have a day off and so on.
Saturday and Sunday will be a complete rest.

You will complete a full body workout hiting each of the major muscle groups, then you will have 1 full day off for recovery. It's vital that you recover in order for your muscles to grow.
By doing this 1 day split your muscles will get used to being worked on and contracted, before buliding mass you need to learn the basics.
The main "moves" to get your muscles working will be as follows:

Bench Press
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Shoulder Press
Tricep Pressdowns
Bicep Curls
Calves Raises
                                                         Abdominal Crunches

You will be performing 3 Sets of 10-12 Reps
Whats a Set and Rep you ask??

A Set is a series of times you will complete a exercise
A Rep is short for repetition or the number of times in the set you will complete a move.
For example you will Bench Press 20kg 12 times. Rest for around 2-3 Min's then repeat completing this 1 more time after
3 sets of 12 reps simple.
You need to select a weight that allows you to complete at least 9-10 fairly comfortable but struggle on the last 2-3. Once you build up strength start adding 2.5-5kg

During this phase, you'll rest 2-3 minutes between sets. The goal is to allow enough rest for you to stick fairly close to the rep range using the same weight on all three sets. This will help you gain more size and strength. In fact, research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that beginning lifters resting 2.5 minutes between sets gained more than twice as much muscle size on their arms as those taking one minute between sets. The exception here is calves and abs, which tend to recover faster between sets. For these exercises, rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Recovery and Nutrition.
There is no point putting yourself through pain in the gym if you don't eat the correct foods before and after training.
The basics are really simple to follow. Eat a Protein and Complex Carbohydrate meal 1 hour before you train and then in the 30 Min's after you have finished more Protein and Complex Carbohydrates to bring your sugar levels back to a normal flow and the Protein to get into your muscles to start repairing the damage you have just done to them.
By drinking a Protein shake you will get these vital nutrients into your blood quicker and they can get to work faster as the digestion process is cut short by drinking an absorbable liquid.
Recovery is another key factor in building muscle. Rest will allow the tears in your muscle fibres to heal and grow back new stronger muscle through the aid of your healthy diet.

A sample day would be as follows:

Breakfast Porridge/Oatmeal with Fruit
Mid Morning Protein Shake
Lunch Chicken Brown Rice and Broccoli
Post Work Out Protein Shake
Post Workout Mid Afternoon Turkey, Sweet Potato and Broccoli
Dinner Steak, Broccoli
Before Bed Cottage Cheese

Most Bodybuilders stick to these plans for a whole week and will only cheat for 1 meal a week.

Here @ M Wellness we recomend everyone to detox on our 7 Day program before beginning a Body Building Programme, this will clear the toxins out of your fat ang give you more chance at getting lean.
+34 971 33 88 40

Music to my Ears!

Forget plugging your earphones in to listen to the TV while you slowly plod along on the treadmill. You wont achieve anything.
You need to concentrate and focus on your workout to get into shape.
Create a playlist on your ipod that obviously you enjoy, but it needs to be something that will get you warmed up, in the mood and to then keep you pushing!
Just before any sport loud, up beat music can pump you up where as soft music with calm pre-race nerves for example.
James Cracknell, who rowed to glory and into the record books at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, said that listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' album "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" was an integral part of his pre-race preparation. The Olympic super-heavyweight champion Audley Harrison listens to Japanese Classical Music before a fight to calm his nerves, but after his performance against David Haye maybe he needs to re evaluate his choice.
When running you should listen to a fast paced music. House or Techno music is around 120-150 beats per minute BPM which is a good indication that your heart rate will be at a working level if your stride is at a similar pace.
Listenting to Drum and Bass 170+BPM would be great for HIT training (High Intensity Training)
This training is where you run for a short explosive burst for 60 seconds then at a controlled pace for 90 seconds.
While pushing weights Hip-Hop, Rock or Pop music is very effective.
The driving guitars in a number of rock songs give you a little aggression to help push through those last few repetitions during you sets.
During your warm down Coldplay's "Parachutes" is nice and relaxing to wind your levels down before stretching where nice chill out music is needed.

Check out some of Ibiza's Resident DJ Mixes for some workout tunes


Other Music
Seether "Breakdown"
Shinedown "Fly from the Inside"
Three Days Grace "Animal I Have Become"
Jay Z "Change Clothes"
Xzibit "Paperazzi"
Creed "One Last Breath"
Alter Bridge "Blackbird"
Dr Dre "Stll Dre"
The Dialated Peoples "The Platform"
Fashawn "Stars"
Goldie "Inner City Life"
Total Science "Squash"
Various Artist Ibiza Chillout
Starsailor "Faith, Hope Love"
Nirvana "Dive"
D-Bridge "True Romance"

Please leave you favourite tracks in our comments box below and we can put them on our playlist at the gym!
+34 971 33 88 40

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Sugar Sucks!

Sugar does not cause Diabetes!
Type 1 Diabetes means a percentage of humans can't clear glucose (sugar made from carbohydrate foods like pasta, white bread and candy) from the blood and if glucose isn't processed quickly enough they have problems.
Although glucose is used in our body it is also highly corrosive in big doses. It damages arteries, kidneys, eyes, blood cells and brain cells. This is called glycosylation and is the major cause of all symptoms that are associated with Diabetes.
When our blood sugar level starts to rise from the food we eat, (in this case sweet snacks or candy) our digestive system, using bile and enzymes, breaks down the starch and sugar in these foods into glucose. The body then releases a hormone from the pancreas called insulin into the blood stream at it's job is too get the excess glucose out of the blood as quickly as possible.
If you were hungry or "starving" some of the glucose goes off and does whats it's ment to, giving you some energy, but the rest is sent  to the liver to be converted into fat for times of Famine!
Seeing as we are well away from times of Famine it's stored as fat and doesn't budge, unless you make it! This is by exercise and of cause being careful what you eat.

Type 2 Diabetes is caused by a percentage of Humans eating too much sugar. The more often you overload your system with sugary food the more insulin your body has to make. Over time the cells in your blood vessels which help "escort" the glucose out of your blood become less and less sensitive to insulin. This is called "Insulin Resistance" and is one thing we don't want to happen as this is an early warning sign of an increasing risk of Diabetes.
With this your blood sugar levels will rise too high for too long and then crash too low. This is what will trigger weight gain when too high and then tiredness and excessive hunger when low!
Know that feeling???

For more information to learn how to control your blood sugar levels come in for a consultancy at M Wellness Ibiza
+34 971 33 88 40