Thursday, 10 March 2011

Beach Fit in 8 Weeks!!

Many people dream of having a beach body and keep it as a dream and don't do anything about it.
It takes a lot of hard work and effort but you have to put this in to get results. It doesn't happen overnight and it certainly doesn't happen thinking about it!
I have designed a 8 Week Beach Body Fit program working with TRX Supension Trainer, Power Plate Machine, Kick Box and Boxing, Strength and Conditioning Circuits and Body Toning Weight Workouts to get you into shape, fit, healthy and above all Beach Ready!
Seeing as we are in the cold month of March now it's about time to do something about it before the sun comes out and it's too late!!
After a body composition you will recieve a FREE! custom designed weekly food plan for you to follow for the 8 weeks included with recipes and cooking tips. Having previously worked in the kitchens of Gordon Ramsay with Angela Hartnett and also with Henry Harris for a number of years, I have an extensive background in preparing healthy nutritious meals that taste great and help you get through your training program getting you the right results in no time! Training will be 4 days a week with 1 days rest in between and it will be hard work, but fun!
Phone consultations and updated emails are avaliable daily through a blog page that is designed only for you to see to help you through and to motivate you along the way ready for your Summer in Ibiza.

You will learn ways to keep yourself fuelled throughout the day, how to control your blood sugar levels and effective ways to keep yourself slim, toned, sexy and full of natural energy!!

Come in to M Wellness Ibiza or call me on +34 971 33 88 40 (639-913-833) and have your free body Composition.

Your Personal Trainer Brian Talbot

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