Click Here To Watch Motivation
I am sure that this is motivational for a number of people, Men and Woman but what about the rest? What can you do to get motivated?
Firstly, GO TO THE GYM!
What I mean by this is go along, during off peak time and have a look around. The staff at M Wellness Ibiza are polite, friendly and knowledgeable and are there to help.
You may feel that during the busy periods that the gym is too loud, full of people and not your idea of fun and that is understandable, but in off peak it's quite, realaxing and is the right time for you to get into your new routine.
The first part of the "New You" is over. If you can make it to the gym then you are one step closer to feeling good about yourself!
Once you get settled into your new gym schedule you might start to feel better but you will want to see results, it's here that people give up and think "I will never get thin" and go right back to their "normal" lives again.
You have to stay motivated. You have got this far so don't give up!
There are many ways of doing this.
Firstly write everything down that passes through your lips. Keep this "food diary" for a week and then bring it into the Gym for us to have a look at it.
We will then anaylize what you eat and take a body compositon to find out how many calories you should be eating in that day and then make adjustments.
Take photos of your Main meals. With this we can see where you are going wrong. Just because it's only a salad doesn't mean you can eat a massive bowl of it.
Keep a workout log that lets you see your results of weights lifted and then where you need to change a routine to confuse the muscle into working just that little bit more.
Weight yourself every other day. Here at M Wellness Ibiza we have a state of the art Tanita machine that can read everything. Muscle, Fat and Water compositions in Kg and %.
Keep looking in the Mirror and picturing where you want to be in, lets say 2 months. Then write a post it note and stick it on the mirror, every day you see it, it will remind you to keep going.
Reward yourself with a "Cheat Meal" once a week or buy something nice with the money you have saved on Alcohol and Sweet stuff. Buy some new gym clothes (hopefully in a smaller size)
We are here to help you reach your goals and ambitions. Come down and talk to our trainers and have a FREE! body anaylisis and consultation.
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