Sugar does not cause Diabetes!
Type 1 Diabetes means a percentage of humans can't clear glucose (sugar made from carbohydrate foods like pasta, white bread and candy) from the blood and if glucose isn't processed quickly enough they have problems.
Although glucose is used in our body it is also highly corrosive in big doses. It damages arteries, kidneys, eyes, blood cells and brain cells. This is called glycosylation and is the major cause of all symptoms that are associated with Diabetes.
When our blood sugar level starts to rise from the food we eat, (in this case sweet snacks or candy) our digestive system, using bile and enzymes, breaks down the starch and sugar in these foods into glucose. The body then releases a hormone from the pancreas called insulin into the blood stream at it's job is too get the excess glucose out of the blood as quickly as possible.
If you were hungry or "starving" some of the glucose goes off and does whats it's ment to, giving you some energy, but the rest is sent to the liver to be converted into fat for times of Famine!
Seeing as we are well away from times of Famine it's stored as fat and doesn't budge, unless you make it! This is by exercise and of cause being careful what you eat.
Type 2 Diabetes is caused by a percentage of Humans eating too much sugar. The more often you overload your system with sugary food the more insulin your body has to make. Over time the cells in your blood vessels which help "escort" the glucose out of your blood become less and less sensitive to insulin. This is called "Insulin Resistance" and is one thing we don't want to happen as this is an early warning sign of an increasing risk of Diabetes.
With this your blood sugar levels will rise too high for too long and then crash too low. This is what will trigger weight gain when too high and then tiredness and excessive hunger when low!
Know that feeling???
For more information to learn how to control your blood sugar levels come in for a consultancy at M Wellness Ibiza
+34 971 33 88 40
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